Become a member

Sign up below.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member! Membership is FREE, and you can choose how you’d like us to keep in touch with you: If you join our email list, you’ll receive a monthly update.

We have two types of membership:

Full membership is open to all parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (aged 0-25 years) who access services in Sefton.

Associate membership is open to professionals and practitioners who work with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (aged 0-25 years) in Sefton.

Please note:
*We will not pass any of your details on to any third parties.
**Sefton Parent Carer Forum reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual or organisation that does not meet our eligibility criteria. We will signpost you elsewhere if we can. The final decision will be made by the Steering Group.
*** Parent carers of people older than 25 years and bereaved members may remain Full Members, however, they will not be eligible for funded activities.